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Make Your 8 Crazy Nights Even Crazier With Hanukkah Printables

Brighten up your Festival of Lights with Hanukkah coloring pages and cards.

Brooke Younker

Nov 12, 2021

Hanukkah cookies ad

Hanukkah is a festive holiday, filled with delicious food, such as latkes and jelly doughnuts, and games like spin the dreidel. But when you need a break from cooking or feeling the stress from these eight crazy nights, look to DIY crafts to bolster your holiday celebration. These Hanukkah printables will entertain the kids and give you a chance to connect with long-distance family members.

Hanukkah coloring pages

Practice makes perfect

Coloring is one activity that's sure to bring all the generations together. Young or old, coloring menorahs and the Star of David can make for relaxing family down time (which you'll need after eating all the latkes and sufganiyot). These coloring pages are also a great way for the kids to entertain themselves while you're cooking or shopping for Hanukkah gifts!

Hanukkah cards

If you can't celebrate with family members in person, you can still brighten their Festival of Lights with a homemade Hanukkah card. One of these cards is ready for a heartfelt message as soon as it's printed, while the others have space for kids to color, so go wild with the crayons.

Photo of Hanukkah card and gifts

However you celebrate,  the important part is to stay connected to loved ones throughout the holiday season. Setting aside some family craft time or writing a card to bubbe and zayde (that's "grandma" and "grandpa" for all you non-Yiddish speakers out there) is a great way to spread the joy this Hanukkah. Chag Sameach!


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